Spark SQL date/time Arithmetic examples: Adding, Subtracting, etc

Spark SQL date/time Arithmetic examples: Adding, Subtracting, etc

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Spark 2.4.8 used

See all examples on this jupyter notebook


Method Description
date_add(col, num_days) and date_sub(col, num_days) Add or subtract a number of days from a date/timestamp.

Works on Dates, Timestamps and valid date/time Strings.
When used with Timestamps, the time portion is ignored.
datediff(col_before, col_after) Returns the number of days between two datetime columns.

Works on Dates, Timestamps and valid date/time Strings.
When used with Timestamps, the time portion is ignored.
unix_timestamp(date_col) and subtract Returns the number of seconds between two date/time columns.

Works on Dates, Timestamps and valid date/time Strings.
Cast to double, subtract, multiply by 1000 and cast back to long Returns the number of milliseconds between two Timestamp columns.

Works on Timestamps only.
expr("INTERVAL...") Precise subtraction or addition to a Timestamp, without ignoring the time portion.

Works on Dates, Timestamps and valid date/time Strings.

Add/Subtract days to date

HEADS-UP Time information is ignored. Timestamps are truncated to the day.

Use date_add(source_column, num_days) or date_sub(source_column, num_days)

Can be used on Date, Timestamp and String columns (when string is a valid date/timestamp string)

import java.sql.Timestamp
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.date_add

val df = Seq(
    ("notebook",    Timestamp.valueOf("2019-01-29 12:00:00")),
    ("notebook",    Timestamp.valueOf("2019-01-01 00:00:00")),
    ("small_phone", Timestamp.valueOf("2019-01-15 23:00:00")),
    ("small_phone", Timestamp.valueOf("2019-01-01 09:00:00"))
).toDF("device", "purchase_time").sort("device","purchase_time")


dataframe-with-days-added Created a column by adding 2 days to column purchase_time.
Time information is lost in the process, and the created column
is always of time Date

Datediff example

HEADS-UP Time information is ignored. Timestamps are truncated to the day.

Returns the number of days between two dates.

Template: datediff($"column_AFTER", $"column_BEFORE")

import java.sql.Date
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.datediff

val df = Seq(
    ("notebook",    Date.valueOf("2019-01-29"), Date.valueOf("2019-02-10")),
    ("notebook",    Date.valueOf("2019-01-01"), Date.valueOf("2019-01-15")),
    ("small_phone", Date.valueOf("2019-01-15"), Date.valueOf("2019-01-05")),
    ("small_phone", Date.valueOf("2019-01-01"), Date.valueOf("2019-01-20"))
).toDF("device", "purchase_date", "arrival_date").sort("device","purchase_date")

df.withColumn("days_to_arrive",datediff($"arrival_date", $"purchase_date"))

source-dataframe Source dataframe: one column indicating
when a product was purchased and
another one with the date it
arrived at the buyer's house.
dataframe-with-diff-column-added Using datediff to calculate
the number of days it took
for a package to arrive.
Negative values here probably
indicate a bug somewhere
in the source system code

Datediff versus current timestamp

In other words, number of of days ago. Use datediff and current_date.

import java.sql.Date
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.{datediff, current_date}

val df = Seq(
    ("notebook",    Date.valueOf("2019-01-29"), Date.valueOf("2019-02-10")),
    ("notebook",    Date.valueOf("2019-01-01"), Date.valueOf("2019-01-15")),
    ("small_phone", Date.valueOf("2019-01-15"), Date.valueOf("2019-01-05")),
    ("small_phone", Date.valueOf("2019-01-01"), Date.valueOf("2019-01-20"))
).toDF("device", "purchase_date", "arrival_date").sort("device","purchase_date")

df.withColumn("days_since_arrival",datediff(current_date, $"purchase_date"))

base-dataframe Before: base dataframe
after-dataframe-with-days-ago After: use current_timestamp to get the number of days from the current date

Difference in seconds

  • First convert datetime to unix timestamp using unix_timestamp(datetime_col)
  • Then subtract
import java.sql.Timestamp.valueOf
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.unix_timestamp

val df = Seq(
    ("foo", valueOf("2019-01-01 00:00:00"), valueOf("2019-01-01 01:00:00")), // 1 hour apart
    ("bar", valueOf("2019-01-01 00:00:00"), valueOf("2019-01-02 00:00:00")), // 24 hours apart
    ("baz", valueOf("2019-01-01 00:00:00"), valueOf("2019-01-07 00:00:00"))  // 7 days apart
).toDF("col1", "purchase_time", "arrival_time").sort("col1", "purchase_time")

  .withColumn("diff_in_seconds", unix_timestamp($"arrival_time") - unix_timestamp($"purchase_time"))

source-dataframe-with-two-datetime-columns BEFORE: a dataframe with two Timestamp column
new-column-created AFTER: difference in seconds between purchase_time
and arrival_time

Difference in milliseconds

  • 1) Cast Timestamp to double
  • 2) Subtract both values
  • 3) Multiply by 1000
  • 4) Cast back to long
import java.sql.Timestamp.valueOf
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.to_timestamp

// building the sample dataframe
val df = Seq(
    ("foo", valueOf("2019-01-01 00:00:00.000"), valueOf("2019-01-01 00:00:00.400")), 
    ("bar", valueOf("2019-01-01 00:00:00.000"), valueOf("2019-01-01 00:00:00.650")), 
    ("baz", valueOf("2019-01-01 00:00:00.000"), valueOf("2019-01-01 00:01:00.000")) 
).toDF("col1", "time_before", "time_after")

// cast to double, subtract, multiply by 1000, cast back to long
.withColumn("diff_millis", $"time_after".cast("double") - $"time_before".cast("double"))
.withColumn("diff_millis", ($"diff_millis"*1000).cast("long"))

before-dataframe-with BEFORE: source dataframe has two timestamp
columns with microseconds
after-dataframe-with-diff-column AFTER: created a new column with the
difference between the two timestamp
columns (in milliseconds)

Difference in hours

  • Convert to seconds with cast("double")
  • Subtract
  • Divide by 36001
import java.sql.Timestamp.valueOf
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.expr

val df = Seq(
    ("foo", valueOf("2019-10-10 00:00:00.000"), valueOf("2019-10-10 01:00:00.000")), // exactly 1 hour 
    ("bar", valueOf("2019-10-10 00:00:00.000"), valueOf("2019-10-10 01:00:00.123")), // one hour and some millis   
    ("baz", valueOf("2019-10-10 00:00:00.000"), valueOf("2019-10-11 01:30:00.123")) // one day and one and a half hours
).toDF("col1", "purchase_time", "arrival_time")

val seconds_in_hour = 60*60

.withColumn("difference_in_seconds", $"arrival_time".cast("double") - $"purchase_time".cast("double"))
.withColumn("difference_in_hours", $"difference_in_seconds" / seconds_in_hour)
.select("col1", "purchase_time", "arrival_time", "difference_in_hours")

spark-dataframe-with-two-timestamp-columns The time a given item was purchased and the
time it arrived at the client
difference-in-hours-spark-sql-dataframe Note that the result is a float, to
signal when the difference in times is not
a full hour.

Expr INTERVAL example

If you use date_sub (or date_add) on timestamps, they get truncated to the date at zero hours.

To avoid truncation (i.e. to subtract a precise period) use $"colname" - expr("INTERVAL ...").

Example: subtract 24 hours from timestamp:

import java.sql.Timestamp
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.expr

val df = Seq(
    ("foo", Timestamp.valueOf("2019-10-10 00:45:00")), 
    ("bar", Timestamp.valueOf("2019-10-10 12:34:56")), 
    ("baz", Timestamp.valueOf("2019-10-10 23:59:00")) 
).toDF("col1", "timestamp_col")

// naturally you can also use "+" for adding periods
// instead of subtracting
.withColumn("timestamp_minus_24_hours", $"timestamp_col" - expr("INTERVAL 24 HOURS"))

subtract-from-timestamp To subtract 24 hours from a timestamp column
use $"col" - expr("INTERVAL 24 HOURS")

1: 3600 (60*60) is the number of seconds in an hour.