Python 3 Regex: Named Capture Examples

Python 3 Regex: Named Capture Examples

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Table of Contents

Extract Named capture groups

re.match only matches at the start of the string!

Extract matches into a dict, using re.match and .groupdict():

import re

# a word followed by a comma and then another word followed by a period
pattern = r'(?P<param1>[\w]+),(?P<param2>[\w]+)\.'

# >>> {'param1': 'foo', 'param2': 'bar'} matches anywhere in the string!

import re

# a word followed by a comma and then a word followed by a period
pattern = r'(?P<param1>[\w]+),(?P<param2>[\w]+)\.','xxx  foo,bar.')
# >>> <re.Match object; span=(5, 13), match='foo,bar.'>

Search, multiple matches

import re

# a word followed by a comma and then a word followed by a period
pattern = r'(?P<param1>[\w]+),(?P<param2>[\w]+)\.'

matches =,'  foo,bar. aaaand another xxx,yyy.')

for match in matches.groups():

# >>> foo
# >>> bar


re.findall returns a list of matches

import re

# a word followed by a comma and then another word followed by a period
pattern = r'(?P<param1>[\w]+),(?P<param2>[\w]+)\.'

# >> [('foo', 'bar')]

Findall, multiple matches

import re

# a word followed by a comma and then another word followed by a period
pattern = r'(?P<param1>[\w]+),(?P<param2>[\w]+)\.'

re.findall(pattern,'foo,bar. and another xxx,yyy.')
# >>> [('foo', 'bar'), ('xxx', 'yyy')]