Conda, Pip, Virtualenv and Pyenv: Commands Compared

Conda, Pip, Virtualenv and Pyenv: Commands Compared

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See also: Python Environment Overview: Conda vs Pip

Create environment

Conda Virtualenv Pyenv
$ conda create --name my-env $ virtualenv my-env $ pyenv virtualenv my-env
Environment directory will be created in envs/, in your conda directory. For example, /usr/local/Caskroom/miniconda/base/envs/ on MacOS using miniconda Environment will be created in the current working directory Envs are stored under ~/.pyenv/versions/

Create environment in specific folder

Conda Virtualenv Pyenv
$ conda create --prefix /path/to/my-env $ virtualenv /path/to/my-env NOT AVAILABLE

Create environment with specific python version

Conda Virtualenv Pyenv
$ conda create -n "my-venv" python=3.9.16 $ virtualenv /path/to/my-venv --python=/path/to/python/executable $ pyenv virtualenv 3.9.16 my-venv
Conda WILL automatically download the required version if it's not locally available. Virtualenv WILL NOT download the required version if it's not locally available. This can only be used with a previously installed python interpreter. Pyenv WILL NOT automatically download the required version if it's not locally available, BUT you can easily do it via $ pyenv install 3.9.16 for example.

Activate environment

Conda Virtualenv Pyenv
$ conda activate my-venv $ source /path/to/my-venv/bin/activate $ pyenv activate my-venv
You can also activate a conda environment by using the full path to it instead of its name.

Delete environment

Conda Virtualenv Pyenv
$ conda remove --name my-venv --all $ rm -rf /path/to/my-env $ pyenv virtualenv-delete my-venv

List environments

Conda Virtualenv Pyenv
$ conda info --envs NOT AVAILABLE $ pyenv virtualenvs