Apache Spark Examples: Dataframe and Column Aliasing

Apache Spark Examples: Dataframe and Column Aliasing

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WIP Alert This is a work in progress. Current information is correct but more content may be added in the future.

reference XYZ is ambiguous

reference XYZ is ambiguous. It could be ... or...

This is the error message you get when you try to reference a column that exists in more than one dataframe.

In order to fix this, add aliases to the dataframes you are working with so that the query planner can know which dataframe you are referencing.

Add alias to dataframe

You have two dataframes you want to join. But both of them have a column named device_id: 1

Use as("new_name") to add an alias to a dataframe:

import java.sql.Date
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._

val purchasesDF = Seq(
    (Date.valueOf("2019-01-01"), "01"),
    (Date.valueOf("2019-05-10"), "01"),
    (Date.valueOf("2019-03-05"), "02"),
    (Date.valueOf("2019-02-20"), "03"),
    (Date.valueOf("2019-01-20"), "02")
).toDF("purchase_date", "device_id")

val devicesDF = Seq(
    ("01", "notebook", 600.00),
    ("02", "small phone", 100.00),
    ("03", "camera",150.00),
    ("04", "large phone", 700.00)
).toDF("device_id", "device_name", "price")

// Reference 'device_id' is ambiguous, could be: device_id, device_id.;
  .join(devicesDF, col("device_id") === col("device_id"))

  .join(devicesDF.as("devices"), col("purchases.device_id") === col("devices.device_id"))

after-aliasing GREAT: you were able to reference the columns
in the query, but now how can you
which is which?

Show column names with alias

I could not find any way to obtain this information but you can trigger an AnalysisException by selecting an inexisting column:

The exception message will contain the fully qualified column names:2

trigger-an-analysis-exception-and-look-at-message Hacky approach: by triggering an AnalysisException, you
will be able to view the fully qualified column names
in the Exception message

Heads-up: .drop() removes all instances

import java.sql.Date
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._

val purchasesDF = Seq(
    (Date.valueOf("2019-01-01"), "01"),
    (Date.valueOf("2019-05-10"), "01"),
    (Date.valueOf("2019-03-05"), "02"),
    (Date.valueOf("2019-02-20"), "03"),
    (Date.valueOf("2019-01-20"), "02")
).toDF("purchase_date", "device_id")

val devicesDF = Seq(
    ("01", "notebook", 600.00),
    ("02", "small phone", 100.00),
    ("03", "camera",150.00),
    ("04", "large phone", 700.00)
).toDF("device_id", "device_name", "price")

// DROP will remove BOTH columns!
  .join(devicesDF.as("devices"), col("purchases.device_id") === col("devices.device_id"))

before-both-columns BEFORE: After a join with aliases, you end
up with two columns of the same name
(they can still be uniquely referenced by the alias)
after-drop-drops-both-columns AFTER: calling .drop() drops both

1: In this case you could avoid this problem by using Seq("device_id") instead, but this isn't always possible.

2: At the time of this writing, this is apparently how the AnalysisException obtains the qualified column name to display in the error message. With my limited knowledge of spark internals, this seems to be a piece of information that is only available after the query planner has compiled the query - this may be why it's not possible to obtain at query-writing time.